
English as a Foreign Language Program


  • Result of English Proficiency Exam for 2021 Spring
  • staff |
  • 2021-03-02 11:31:16|
  • 532
1. Individual result 
Following is possible course exemptions depending on the individual result of 2021 Spring English Proficiency Exam (2. 23, 2021)
* 학번(Student ID)을 입력해주세요.

2. Course information
- If you are exempted, the exempted course will be marked as 'S.' Your credit will be included for graduation, but will not affect your average GPA. 
- The result can be confirmed in your Grade report after 2021 Spring semester.
- There will not be any re-take or additional test.
- Students who have to take Basic courses will be informed of Basic classes’ schedule by email.
- Examples of course registration:

① it is impossible to take I-S/L and AL or E P/D. It is possible to take the next level course upon the completion of I -S/L
② it is possible to take I S/L and A R or W at the same time. (if you are exempted from I R/W)

3. Others
• There is a second opportunity for students to submit iBT TOEFL / IELTS test scores for EFL course exemption after completion of 2 semesters of EFL courses. Students have the option to submit official English test scores from either iBT TOEFL / IELTS up to two weeks before the course registration.

* For further information on the EPE and/or EFL Program: Kim)

Thank you.

Attach files
영어능력평가시험 결과 안내
  • 수험번호 또는 학번(Student ID)
  • 이름
Reading Listening Speaking Writing Total
Remedial (Camp 대상여부)
Intermediate English Speaking & Listening
Intermediate English Reading & Writing
Advanced English Listening
English Presentation & Discussion
Advanced English Reading
Advanced English Writing
* 면제된 과목은 ‘X’, 수강해야 될 과목은 ‘O’로 표시됩니다. 수강 과목은 입학 후 4학기 이내 수강완료하시기 바랍니다.