
English as a Foreign Language Program

Best Paper Award

  • Fall 2010 - Best Paper Award
  • staff |
  • 2014-04-07 15:22:53|
  • 1099
문화과학대학과 EFL프로그램에서 공동개최하여 2010년 가을학기 영어강의 인문사회선택과목의 보고서를 대상으로 실시한 Best Paper Award의 시상식을 아래와 같이 안내합니다.


The third Best Paper Award was given to the winners on Monday, February 14. This Award program has been implemented by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences to encourage student academic writing in English and award prizes for excellent papers submitted as assignments in academic courses in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.

- Time: 15:00 Feb. 14, 2011

- Place: Faculty Conference Room 1431, Building N4

< Award Winners > - in no particular order

★ Best Paper :(3)

1. Different Deliberations of Joyce and Chopin on Use of Epiphany (by Dyne Ahn 안다인)

2. On Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, its Achievements, and Implications (by Richard Sung 성두현)

3. Mock Case Study of Environmental Law (by A Young Kwak 곽아영)

★ Honorable Mention :(9)

1. Neurexin: the most important "gluing" molecule on synapse? (by JaeSeung Kang 강재승)

2. The influence of the Korean entertainment wave on Vietnamese young people (by Hai Lieu)

3. Tuesday with Paul (by Su Jeong Park 박수정)


4. Taekgyon and Capoeira (by kwan Soo Kim 김관수)

5. Semantic Satiation in Hangul (by Min-woo Lee 이민우, Gam-jae Koo 구감재 & Jae-hui Ryu 류재휘)

6. Assess Popper's answer to the problem of demarcation (by Jin Young Heo 허진영)

7. What is the role of Ophelia?; Isn't she a medium for Hamlet to express his emotion? (by WonJoon Moon 문원준)

8, Mechanical Physiology of Descartes And Refutation of Greek Science (by YoungGyun Choi 최영균)

9. The bleak Existence of a 20th Century Dubliner (by Chan Park 박찬)
영어능력평가시험 결과 안내
  • 수험번호 또는 학번(Student ID)
  • 이름
Reading Listening Speaking Writing Total
Remedial (Camp 대상여부)
Intermediate English Speaking & Listening
Intermediate English Reading & Writing
Advanced English Listening
English Presentation & Discussion
Advanced English Reading
Advanced English Writing
* 면제된 과목은 ‘X’, 수강해야 될 과목은 ‘O’로 표시됩니다. 수강 과목은 입학 후 4학기 이내 수강완료하시기 바랍니다.