
English as a Foreign Language Program

Best Paper Award

  • Fall 2014 Best Paper Awards
  • staff |
  • 2016-03-17 15:34:49|
  • 1205
인문사회과학과 EFL프로그램에서 공동 개최하여 2014년 가을학기 영어강의 인문사회선택과목의 보고서를 대상으로 실시한 Best Paper Award ‘제 11회 최고영어논문상’ 시상식이 아래와 같이 진행되었음을 알려드립니다.


This Award ceremony was hosted by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, in conjunction with the EFL Program, in order to recognize the outstanding students whose papers have been chosen for the best English papers among the courses offered by the School of Humanities & Social Sciences in the Fall Semester of 2014. The ceremony took place in the International Conference Room 1431, Building N4, at 12:00pm on Tuesday, March 10, 2015.

- 아 래 -

1. 일시 : 2015년 3월 10일(화) 12시

2. 장소 : 인문사회과학과(N4동) 1431호, 국제세미나실

3. 심사절차 : 과목 담당교수가 우수논문들을 추천하고, 심사위원회에서 최종결정

4. 심사기준 : Paper 내용의 충실성, 정합성, 독창성을 제1기준으로 한다. 영어문장의 완성도를 제2기준으로 한다.



★ Grand Prize

- Is Interactive Art, Art? (by Kwang Eun Park)


★ Second Prize (2) (in no particular order)

- How do science fiction films comment on the relationship between people and technology, in both positive and negative ways? (by Lucy Shin)

- In Depth Analysis of “Substitute Teacher” from Key & Peele: Satirical Comedy on AAVE Name Phonology & 2014 Ebola Breakout: Where Did Technology, Democracy, and Market Stand?

(by Sanggyu Chong)


★ Honorable Mention (3) (in no particular order)

- On the quest to achieve the “common sense” (by Nham Van Le)

- Perception of Thai stop consonant /p,pʰ,b/ and Thai fricative consonant /s/ by native Korean speakers (by Ponghiran Wachirawit)

- Effects of High-temperature Cooking on Protein Digestibility (by Joonho Suh)

For more pictures, click HERE. Thank you.

Thank you.

영어능력평가시험 결과 안내
  • 수험번호 또는 학번(Student ID)
  • 이름
Reading Listening Speaking Writing Total
Remedial (Camp 대상여부)
Intermediate English Speaking & Listening
Intermediate English Reading & Writing
Advanced English Listening
English Presentation & Discussion
Advanced English Reading
Advanced English Writing
* 면제된 과목은 ‘X’, 수강해야 될 과목은 ‘O’로 표시됩니다. 수강 과목은 입학 후 4학기 이내 수강완료하시기 바랍니다.